
A guide of more advanceded and in-depth features and possibilities when runnning imcascade. Currently in progress of being written

If you have additional questions please feel free to reach out to me or raise an issue on github!

Adjusting inital values and bounds

By default imcascade attempts to make ‘’ smart ‘’ guesses for the initial values and bounds based on the input variables. These can be easily changed by using the init_dict or bounds_dict arguments when intializing a Fitter instance These are both dictionaries, with matching keys, that will be discussed below, where each key should match to a float for init_dict and 2 length tuple or list for bounds_dict.

  • x0 and y0 - The central location of the object. By default this intial value is the center of the image and the bounds are +/- 10 pixels

  • phi - The position angle in radians, default is \(\pi/2\) with bounds 0 to \(\pi\)

  • q - The axis ratio initial value is 0.5 and bounds are 0 to 1

The inital values and boudns for the fluxes of each gaussian components can be adjusted in several ways. The easist is the specify ‘re’ and ‘flux’ in init_dict. This uses a polynomial fit to the exponential relationship derrived in Hogg & Lang (2013) to guess the inital values. This lower bounds on the flux of each component is then \(flux/10^5\) (or 0 if using linear weight scaling) and the upper bound is the flux value.

You can also specify using the keys a_max and a_min in bounds_dict to directly specify the upper and lower bound for the flux of every component. Note that these need to be specified in logarithmic scale if exploring the fluxes in log scale. These will override the bounds discussed above.

Finally you can specify a_i, where i is the component of interest, in init_dict and bounds_dict to make changes to specific components.

Again these will need to be in logarithmic scale if using log_weight_scale = True

If you are using the tilted plane sky model, you can additionally specify those parameters

  • sky0 - Overal sky background, estimated as the median of the image

  • sky1 - X slope of sky, estimated using the edges of the image

  • sky2 - Y slope of sky, estimated using the edges of the image

Fitting options

imcascade utilized previously written routines for the optimization procedures. For the least squares minimization we use the scipy.optimize.least_squares routine. when using run_ls_min() the ls_kwargs input can be used to specify keywords to be passed to the least_squares function.

Similarly we implemented dynesty for Bayesian inference. You can pass arguments through run_dynesty() for when defining the sampler using sampler_kwargs or running the nested sampling using run_nested_kwargs(). Both of these should be dictionaries.

We have found the default options for both these packages work fairly well however performce can likely be increased by tweaking one or more parameters when using these packages.

Model averaging

As discussed in our paper, a powerful extension of imcascade is to run Bayesian inference on a galaxy multiple times with different using different set of widths. These can then be combined using a Bayesian model averaging approach. For ease of use we have written a class MultiResults in the results module. The input for this class is a list of ImcascadeResuts instances which are meant meant to be combined. It contains some (but not all) function contained in ImcascadeResuts and calculates the joint posterier distribution of these quantities by weighting each model (i.e. set of widths) by their relative evidence. It is important to make sure you are using results run on the same images etc. or else it will produce non-sensical results.

Non-circular PSF

As a extension to the normal mode with a circular PSF, we have implemented the ability to specify a non-circular PSF. To do this use the parameter PSF_shape when initializing a Fitter instance. This should be a dictionary with the keys q for the axis ratio and phi for the position angle. Currently all components of the psf must have the same shape parameters

This increases the time to render a model as no each individual component in the observed profile must be rotated individually as they will have different position angles. It has also not been thoroughly tested so use with caution!

Changing the Likelihood function

In our implementation of imcascade we have assumed Gaussian statistics and errors when using the usual \(\chi^2\) method. However, In some use cases (or just in general, see Erwin (2015) ) it is preferable to assume Poisson statistics and use the Cash statistic as the likelihood (Cash (1979)). For the “express” method the function that gets called to calculate the likelihood is log_like_express, we can simply re-assign the to a function of our choosing, using the setattr method built in to python. First we have initialized a Fitter instance under the name fitter_cash as usual (but with the pixel weights equal to one) and then we run the following code block

fitter_cash = initialize_fitter(img, psf, sky_model = False, err = np.ones(img.shape))

def log_like_cash(self, exp_params):
    "log likelihood using the Cash statistic"

    #Use this function to generate model
    model = self.make_express_model(exp_params)

    #Employing the Cash statistic
    return -1.*np.sum( self.weight *(model - self.img*np.log(model)) )

setattr(fitter_cash, 'log_like_express', log_like_cash)

In this example we have written our on function to replace the original function. Now when we use run_dynesty it will call our new function instead. The function self.make_express_model generates the model image and the self weight variable contains the pixel weights (which we have set to 1.) and any mask we have supplied. self.img contains the input science cutout.

Using this example as a blueprint, it is possible to change the likelihood function to anything your heart desires! It is important to test whatever function you have used to make sure the answer is what you expect.

Changing the Priors